Youngsville Gun Club

YGC Concealed Carry Class

Have you been considering getting your NC Concealed Carry Handgun Permit??

Or have it already and want more training?

We are offering a special opportunity this weekend working with a local outdoor range, The Range at True North in Oxford Nc.
Saturday December 10th CCH- Basic, This 8-hour course will provide the minimum skills and knowledge necessary to earn a training certificate to apply for an NC Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) permit
Sunday December 11th CCH-Enhanced, This 8-hour course can be taken with CCH-B in the same weekend or at another time. Additionally, it is available to those that already have an NC CCH permit but want to go beyond the minimum requirements to gain the skills and confidence necessary to routinely carry a concealed handgun.
Special Offer- Take both classes together and get a discount with promo “CCHE” when purchasing both! 
  • Who:  YGC (in partnership with True North Range, Oxford NC)
  • What:  CCH Basic (Sat), and CCH Enhanced (Sun)
  • When:  10-11 Dec, 8:30am to 5:30 pm
  • Where:  True North Range, Oxford NC
  • Why:  To teach practical shooting fundamentals and meet state CCH training requirements

Have Questions? Email Director of Instruction, Guy Coursey at

Training Corner

YGC Concealed Carry Handgun Basic (CCH-B):  

This 8-hour course will provide the minimum skills and knowledge necessary to earn a training certificate to apply for an NC Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) permit.  The course combines all the fundamental elements of firearms safety, operation, marksmanship and gun handling covered in Defensive Handgun 1, as well as legal considerations and how to maintain your handgun.   Both a written test and 30-round practical shooting test must be successfully completed to pass.

December 10th 2022!!!

CCH Basic Registration

YGC Concealed Carry Handgun Enhanced (CCH-E):  

This class can be taken with CCH-B in the same weekend or at another time. Additionally, this class is available to those that already have an NC CCH permit but want to go beyond the minimum requirements to gain the skills and confidence necessary to routinely carry a concealed handgun.

By the end of class, you will understand best practices for carrying your handgun concealed and have skills to shoot effectively from the open or from concealment.

December 11th 2022!!

CCH Enhanced Registration